Friday, February 13, 2009

RANDOM plus poetry!

Hey People!
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but there was a lot going on. WE had this big project due well, today, in creative writing along with a lot of others for other classes so needless to say, I've been busy. However..... I was able to write some more poems and some of them I really enjoy. One is named "Above our Heads".
While finding refuge in a stormy sky
While looking out the window during mass
We know in our hearts that our time is neigh
And sunlight twinkles through the tear stained glass
We risk it all to look up above us
The cold wet drops fall to the ground in shame
We won't leave our homes without a wet fuss
We know more than ever life's not a game
And all the storms our lives can sometimes be
The clouds above our heads are much too low
We leave behind our greatest legacy
As we lay in the wake of tomorrow
When the lid finally closes it is done
But the eternal storm has just begun
This is really my favorite poem. I don't really know why except that it was really fun to write. I wrote it when I was half asleep. I woke up seriously like five minutes after I fell asleep and it all came to me. I even woke up in the morning with the pen still in my hand. O well! At least it smelled really good! And I was being serious too, it was one of those pens that smell like stuff and this one was the black one and it smelled like vanilla! Anyways, this was a really random blog. I just felt like telling anyone that just happens to read this that "Above our Heads" was my favorite poem and the funny story of how it was written.
But now I can tell you what else has been going on. Well a bunch of stuff but at the same time NOTHING! I worked last night and I will again tonight. All these school projects have been taking up a lot of time too. I had a concert on Wednesday, fun stuff, and not really anything else. I started to run again! I used to do track but I quite after I hurt my knee. But, Tuesday I went running for a while and it felt really good to be back out there.
Well thanks for listening, well reading! I hope you tune in again! Please leave comments too! BYE!

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