Monday, January 26, 2009

First poem: Free


The birds in the tree
so happy and free
that's how I want to be

Life can be such a test
like sitting in a nest
We all try our best

To be free

This poem was my first writing of the year. It was done after I had gotten bad news from my family. I was thinking about how much easier life would be if I didn't have to worry about all the troubles that we as humans have. I was also thinking how it would be so much better to be able to go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. This is how I started writing about a bird. They do have things to overcome, however, they can get away from things by just flying away. This is what I long to be able to do. As many other people in this world do, I want to be free.

My favorite quote in this poem is "Life can be such a test" this is because it relates to anyone that has ever had to overcome an obstacle in their lives. Life is a test of your personality and how you want to live as a person. This is the most important test that we will ever have to pass. While I was writing this poem I was not in the best mood. However, when I was finished it almost felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I feel that this poem does show my emotions at the time and I really hope that it might relate to people when they read it. I want all my writing to be able to help someone.

This is the first of many more poems, stories, and all that stuff on this site!
Thanks for reading.

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