Thursday, May 7, 2009

Really really random!

To all "I'm sorry!" I really am sorry for not writting much. Oh well I'm back now! So anyways, I have been sick and out of school for the past two days and I really wish that I was still at home today. I have a lot of work to catch up on but not as much as I thought I would have. However, I do have to make up three tests so far and thats really depressing. Oh well! So I am in the process of writing a short story for my creative writting class and it's going alright. I mean I think I have done better, but it's ok. I'm still working on it and when it's "finished" I'm going to go over and probably change some stuff.

Sorry to bore you. Anyways, my life is not so interesting. I did have a funny dream last night about my friend wearing a hocky mask and talking to me about purple pinnapples with polka dots and pumpkin seeds. It was interesting...

I don't really have much else to say, but if I think of something I will be sure to tell you! Have a great day, week, year, whatever!